Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC in third cycle

"Best College Award" by University of Mumbai (2011-12)

Community College (University of Mumbai)

ISO 9001:2015

Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC in third cycle

"Best College Award" by University of Mumbai (2011-12)

Community College (University of Mumbai)

ISO 9001:2015




About Surge :-
Surge Past Students Association of VPM'S Joshi Bedekar College of Arts and Commerce Autonomous, is a registered association formed on 3rd July 2003. The idea of Surge Association was first initiated by Former Principal, S. W. Gokhale Sir, with an attempt to reunite all the past students together under one roof of this association. 

Aims and Objectives :-

The *main aims* of this association is as follows :- 

1) To bring together all the past students at one platform
2)To provide aid to needy students
3) To create awareness about various social, mental, health and financial programs amongst the students. 

Other aims include :-

1) Education - To uplift the educational standard of the students and provide them with books, notebooks and other help. 

2) Sports - To encourage and expand the sport activities through ground maintenance as well as providing funds that will aid students to participate in higher levels of sport competitions, namely state, national and international. 

3) To provide employment and also support self employment to students of Thane College through network of past students 

4)Career Consulting M.B.A., Diploma in BMS course work shop, C.A., I.C.W.A., C.S., M.P.S.C., U.P.S.C. course through the help of the well qualified past students of the college 

5) To construct badminton indoor hall, library, nature park where all types of plant species will be available 

6)To help under the banner of surge association in case of natural calamities, epidemics, pandemics etc 

Activities undertaken by surge :-

2) Shravan Sari
3) Get-togethers
4) Collaborative activities with NSS & College 

Membership fees :-

Rs. 500 /-  per person for 5 years. (Membership has to be renewed after every five years.)